Sunday, September 4, 2011

Vet school is awesome!

Awesomely challenging. Awesomely exhausting. But mostly, awesomely disgusting. I mean it. Every day I think to myself, "There cannot possibly be anything more distasteful in this world than that last lab", and then tomorrow comes. Now let me tell you, despite my performance background, I am not a girly girl. I know how to put on false eyelashes and prance around in heels and fishnets (man, that sounded bad if you don't know me. I used to work for Disney), but now that I don't have to, you're lucky to see me with hair combed or matching clothes. I've lanced pyometric uteri and sebaceous cysts, and LOVED it. That said, our latest challenge - joint dissection of a "fresh" dog pelvic limb, even turned my rock hard (though, admittedly, vegetarian and suburban) stomach. Now, notice I put "fresh" in quotes. By "fresh", they mean, "not embalmed". Our leg - couldn't bear to name this one - was a chunker. Unfortunately, what we gained in more visible arthrology, we lost in palatability. By that I mean - fat dog legs don't freeze well. So...well...I'm the first to admit - I have an extremely limited background in anatomy, but muscles aren't supposed to be green-black and smell like satanic warriors composed of burnt baby poop and natto are actively stabbing the very core of your soul...right? ew. The good news is - it has never been easier to stick to a diet. One flashback to Friday at 3:00 and I'm anorexic for another 8 hours. The bad news is - they were right. Vet school isn't all playing with puppies and kittens.

Now, after my last few posts, you may be thinking, "Wow. She really hates vet school!". Au contraire, mon ami! Since I actively gave up performing, I've been sort of listless. Though I can't say that I'm as confident as my 137 classmates (maybe 136 if you count Rohit - Happy Birthday, BTW!) that vet school is exactly what I should be doing, I haven't been this focused in a long time. That left brain I'd neglected for 20 years is being put through it's paces, and, I'm glad to say, is (seemingly) going strong. I miss the kidlets terribly, but I feel like I'm much more focused on them in our short hours together than I was when we had all day, every day. Instead of trying to distract everyone so I can get something done, I try to leave some housework to the poor hubby and play a little. Of course this means we're living in filth, but it's a trade off I'm willing to make. Also, interestingly enough, I'm finding that I really like histology! Maybe it's just having spent the last year in the Clin Path lab, but I feel considerably more comfortable around microscopes and cells than most. Take THAT, Mr. MS-in-toxicology-and-am-therefore-your-ultimate-superior child! Of course, it may be that our 60-something professor who has had enough work done (admittedly pretty good work - we wouldn't have guessed if a much older looking doctor hadn't let slip that said Histo prof had actually taught HIM) to merit the name "Cruella", uses a bull penis as a pointer and makes sexual innuendos daily. Awesome. I think, as long as I just accept that life is now 50hr/wk school plus 15 hr/wk studying (way less than recommended, but until I flunk exam 1, I'm sticking with it) plus 10-20 hr/wk work (mostly at night, so deduct from sleep time). Depending on sleep, minimal grooming, bike transport to school/work, and housework, this still leaves me a little time to love on everyone (hubby, babies, pets, etc). Now, enough of this nonsense. Back to the notecards!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! I doubt myself on the daily! I'm glad you get Histo; its my weak spot, along with immunology. We should get together with Group 5 and study sometime! I really want to make a blog like this now lol.

